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Songkhla tourism veteran proposes improvements

Songkhla province should promote cultural attractions and develop better rail connections between Thailand and Malaysia to improve its tourism potential, says the founder of the Songkhla Tour Guide Association.
Wittaya Saelim made the comments as part of a proposal submitted recently to Senator Chaiyong Maneerungsakul in Hat Yai district of the southern province.
The letter addressed concerns about the province’s trade and tourism and ways to boost revenue.
Songkhla has been a prime destination for visitors seeking cultural and religious holidays. Mr Wittaya cites his experience as a guide for Malaysians, Singaporeans, Chinese, Taiwanese and Indian tourists.
He said the tourists, especially those from Malaysia and Singapore, like visiting the province’s temples and shrines.
These visitors have more potential to boost the local economy, he said, urging the government to find ways to make their visit more enjoyable.
Mr Wittaya also suggested developing a smoother connection between Thai and Malaysian trains at the Padang Besar border station in Sadao district of Songkhla.
“Malaysian tourists prefer travelling by train. A smooth railway connection will help not just to promote tourism but also reduce the use of personal cars from Malaysia, which will help ease traffic congestion in Hat Yai,” he said.
Mr Wittaya also suggested linking the Thai border train station in Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat with the Lantupanang train station in Kelantan, Malaysia, to improve two-way tourism and trade.
He said tourism promotion events held in Hat Yai often lead to road closures, clogging traffic and blocking access to local businesses and shops.
Meanwhile, intense competition, including online bookings, has created too many fluctuations in prices of hotels, restaurants and traditional massage services, leading to difficulties for local businesses.
Mr Wittaya suggested collaboration between state agencies, including the Commerce and Transport ministries, immigration and tourism police, and the private sector, with the Songkhla governor leading the effort.
